Cornerstone agreement against online counterfeit
After 10 years of litigation, LVMH and Google have just reached an agreement to fight hand in hand the sell of counterfeits online. This union between the French luxury group and the biggest search engine is a cornerstone in the protection of brands online. LVMH had already reached similar agreements with E-bay, Yahoo! Japan en 2009 et Rakuten Auction en 2010.
The issue was simple : with the use of Google Adwords, companies selling illicit goods (such as couterfeits of Louis Vuitton bags) would come up in the search results at the same ranking as legal products. Unaware customers would then buy illegal products because of powerful google advertising. For the record, Louis Vuitton was one of the first brands to protect its creations with the specific Damier Canvas pattern and a logo "marque L.Vuitton déposée" (meaning registered trademark).
Similar agreement between France and the US can be found in 1923, with the creation of an anticopyist society by Madeleine Vionnet and other designers such as Paul Poiret or Jeanne Lanvin. The so-called Association pour la Défense des Arts Plastiques et Appliqués aimed at lobbying for international copyright laws. Madeleine Vionnet was a real pionner in protecting her brand. She has introduced fingerprinted labels to authenticate her models : each of her garment would be sign with her right thumb !
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